Refund Policy may, but are under no obligation to, honor requests for refunds for the following reasons:Non-delivery of the product: Due to an issue with the mail or courier service, you do not receive a delivery e-mail from us. Depending on the price of the product, may require you to first submit proof that you have submitted a report to the mail service or courier company describing the missing item;Damaged Product : Please inspect all orders upon receipt to check for damaged or defective goods. In the unlikely event that your order arrives damaged, please inform us within 72 hours of receiving your order by sending an email to with a photo image of the damage, if possible. In order to return or exchange an item, depending on the circumstances, we may require the return of the original item, the box in which your items were delivered, packaging materials and all box contents. We accept returns within 14 days on unopened products only.Product not-as-described: A request based on this reason is addressed on a case-by-case basis and subject to our approval. To prevent this kind of claim from arising, please read the description of each type of the product offered before making a purchase.